Good morning and praise the Lord everybody.In 2 Corinthians 3:17 we find a profound statement listen to the word "Now the LORD is that spirit:and where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is liberty. Think about what this word says where the Spirit of the LORD is there is liberty. Many people are looking for peace and happiness the place to find it is in a life given to the LORD ship of Christ. Christians have the spirit of the LORD living in them but they fail to see the liberty that the presence of the living Christ has given them. We have the promise from the LORD in Luke 4:18 That he was anointed to heal the broken hearted,to preach the gosplel, to preach deliverance to the captives,recovering of sight to the blind. Do you realize that the same spirit that anointed Jesus is the same spirit living on the inside of you and I. We in the body of Christ need to tell the devil where he needs to go when he tries to defeat and take our liberty away from us. This liberty frees us from the curse of sickness,poverty,oppression and every other curse that the devil would like to convince us we have not been set free from. You are free in Christ from all the curse. Listen to this verse from the amplified translation 2Cor.3:17"Now the Lord is the Spirit,and where the Spirit of the LORD is,there is liberty[emancipation from bondage,freedom].Listen to John 8:32,36"And ye shall know the truth,and the truth shall make you free. "If the Son therefore shall make you free,ye shall be free indeed. What liberty we have in Christ our Lord. Next time the devil sends you a bad report take and shake it at him and say no way for Iam free in Christ and refuse to accept this lie. You have been set free from bondage dont get back under the curse for Jesus has broken the curse from your life. Have a blessed and healthy day in the LORD. From Pastor Ken
Walk in Love
Praise the Lord Our God for He mighty within us to the tarring down of all strong holds. I was reading the word this morning in 1 Corinthians 12:25 "That there should be no schism in the body;but that the members should have the same care for one another. The Holy Spirit started me thinking on this from the aspect of what it would be like if the whole body of Christ every where could be concerned about each other. Paul wrote this to church at Corinth because there was so much division going on in the church.Paul through the direction of the Holy Spirit addresses this by using the anology of the body.There is no part of our body that we dont need and we must take care of it so that each part is able to serve the other.If we fail to watch and protect a part and something happens to it we suffer at the loss of that part. We still go on but all the time we feel like we are just struggling to do what we used to do. So it is in the body of Christ when we fail to love one another and be there for each other.Listen to this veres fron the Amplified Bible 1 Cor.12:25"So that there should be no division or discord or lack of adaption[of the parts of the body to each other],but the members all alike should have a mutal interest in and care one for another. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ and when one in the body hurts we should all hurt and come to the aid of each other. But in stead in many cases we forget how to forgive and how to love the way Jesus forgave us and has loved us in all our short comings.Pastor what if I have asked forgivness and they say they have forgiven me but it just feels like they havent when I am around them. You have to ask your self this question am I confussing trust with forgiveness.
I have known people who have truly forgiven some one but at the same time it takes them a long to to develope trust in that person again. To me when I say I forgive I just let it all go and get on with my life however there are people who are very cautoius about who they make friends with and when they do make friends and that trust is betrayed in there eyes they may forgive that person but they struggle in trusting that person. What do we do in that situation I have found that if you and I truly love that person we will pray very hard for God to show His love to them and work hard to gain there trust once again. Just remember we are all members of the body of Christ and we need each other even if it seems like we dont, each one of us are a very important part of the body and Jesus put us there to show his love and support to each other. May Lord fill your day with His happines. God Bless frm Pastor Ken.
Posted by Walk through the word with Pastor Ken at 9/22/2010 07:03:00 AM 0 comments
Christ The Life Within
Good morning and praise the Lord!!! May the blessing and goodness of the Lord abound to us all.Here is something that the Lord has been dealing with me about for some time. It is found in Galatians 2:20"I am crucified with Christ:nevertheless I live,yet not I,but Christ liveth in me, and the life which I now in the flesh,I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me,and gave himself for me. What was Paul saying to us? Could it be Paul was giving us a revelation on the kind of life we should be living in and for Christ. A crucified life is one that is sold out to Jesus. It is a life that is no longer driven by the wants and dictates of the flesh.I beleive Paul was telling of a place in Christ. Where it is no longer about me, and all about Him. A life surrendered to the Christ that lives in us. We are the called of the Lord and we are to be the living epistle of Christ walking in this earth. Its the place where the divine has been given full contol in our lives. When the devine has that control all the earthly cares and and anxieties will pass away.If we open up to the power of the resurrected Christ that lives in us I believe we will reach that place in Christ where we will always be in the place of peace. Jesus said in John 15:7: If ye abide in me,and my words abide in you,you will ask what you desire,and it will be given you. Living in that abiding presence of Christ brings us into that place where we can keep our carnal nature under subjection and live the true life of Christ before this sin infested world.When you think about the course that Pauls life took after his coversion on the road of Damascus you have to see his surrendered life to the presence of the ressurected Christ within him. You and I must be the epistle of Christ upon the earth to be read by all men. The episle of Christ is a living power in our mortal flesh making alive the very presence of Christ visible to all who we come in contact with. May the Lord keep you healthy and blessed in the abundance of His grace.I have been praying this prayer for a few months know I would like to share it with you in closing out this session "Father have your way: Do not let my human will spoil your divine plan for my life:Father take charge of me today, in such away that I will be wholly on the alter for your service.We must be dedicated to the will of God. From Pastor Ken
Posted by Walk through the word with Pastor Ken at 9/20/2010 08:00:00 AM 1 comments