
Psalms 91:1

Good morning and praise the Lord. Iam excited about sharing with you what the Lord has been sharing with me about this great Psalm. May the Lord grant you revelation knowledge in this. Psalm 91:1"He that dwelleth in the secret place of Most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Abiding in His shadow. What does it mean? The shadow of God is His presence, His light, and His glory that He embraces us with. That glorious light that radiates from God to his children. To abide in this enables us to dwell in a place where we are surrounded by the protective covering of God. To dwell comes from the Hebrew word yasab Which means:to sit down, to remain, to settle in, in the sence of taking up a homestead or staking out a claim and resisting all claim jumpers to posses a place and live there in. Notice the part resisting all claim jumpers. In the word of God we are told to submit ourselves unto God resist the devil and he will flee.(James 4:7. Why will he flee? Could it be that when we put up a resistence that the presence of God appears and the devil can not stand the presence of God.This first verse gives us great insight to what can be ours if we commit our lives to the living God and doing all that he asks us to do. I love the amplified translation of this verse listen to it:" He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most high shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty whose power no foe can with stand. What a promise for you and I a place of protection and safety that no foe can stand up against. I beleive that every beleiver can abide in this place but it will take a life of total surrender to the purpose and will of God for our lives. Living in the abiding presence of God to me is to be embraced by the shielding glory of God the Father walking in that light just as Jesus our high priest did on the earth. Jesus gave us a good picture of abiding in the Fathers presence. Jesus speaks of a vine and a branch where the father is the husbandman. God is the one who protects us and purges the unrighteous nature away from our lives, and then keeps them from our lives by the power of the written word.Jesus is the written word living in you and I producing the glory of the Father in us. Be blessed and walk in the healing glory of God.From Pastor Ken