

Good morning and praise the Lord who is Almighty and powerful.I would like to continue to share with you on the 91st Psalm.Verse 2: I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge, and my fortress: My God in Him will I put my trust. As we read this verse we need to see several things that we are called to do.
1.We are called to declare that Jesus is Lord in our lives.For I will say of the Lord. We have to make known by our confession that the Lord is my protector.
2.He is my refuge and my fortress: We are to stand up and declare that we have a secret place of refuge and safety. A hiding place where no foe can enter.According to the definition given in websters dictionary a fortress is a fortified place;stronghold:a place of security. You and I have a stronghold a fortified place that is all around us if we are truly giving God the Lord ship of our lives.
3. We must absolutley put all our trust in Him.My God in Him will I put my trust. What is trust?The amplified translation of this second verse will give us a good look at trust.I will say of the LORD,He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my GOD:on HIM I lean and rely,and in HIM I[confidently] trust!!! We have to be people of cnfidence in the love that the Father has for us and have confidence in his written word that is before us. He sent his word to heal and deliver and keep us in the safety of his love and grace. That word became flesh and walked among us and paid the price for our redemption. Jesus is your ark safety and when you and I put our full trust in that promise we will see the mighty hand of God moving in our lives. May the LORDS blessing be on you always. from Pastor Ken.