
WHat Will You Do With Jesus Christ? PART 2

GOOD MORNING AND PRAISE THE LORD OUR SOON COMING KING. I would like to share with you some more of the thoughts that the Holy spirit has been sharing with me about the above question. This morning the Holy spirit woke me up with these words from the Apostle Paul" Know ye not that ye are the temple of the Holy ghost and the Spirit of god dwelleth in you(1Cor:3:-16).
To have the Holy Ghost dwelling in us we have to be the born again child of God. That new birth can only come by and through Jesus Christ. Jesus said in the gospel of John 14:16"And I (meaning Jesus) will pray to the Father, and he shall send you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever. Without Jesus Christ you and I would not have the spirit of God dwelling in us to guide us and direct us into the true life of God. If you think about it for just a little bit you and I have all we need to flow in the presence of God.Psa91:1 says He that dwelleth in the secret place of most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. With out Jesus Christ you and I could never find that secret place to dwell in. And with out the comforter that Jesus prayed to the Father to send to guide us we would not even know how to come into that presence of God.To live in the presence of God is such an awsome revelation from God.Here is another thought without Jesus christ you and I would not see the kingdom of God her the words of Jesus as he spoke to Nicodemus:" Jesus answered and said unto him,Verily, Verily,I say unto thee,(You and I),Except a man be born again, he can not see the kingdom of God. Without the new birth which come through Jesus Christ we can not even see the kingdom of God. As the Holy spirit was talking to me this morning he was making me think about my relationship with Jesus how important it is to give him the Lordship over my life. If I did not know Jesus and with out him in my life I would be a most miserable man. And dont think that I am saying that I am perfect becuase I am not I make many mistakes and mess up. But I am so thankful that when I do mess up that I have some one to go to that will plead my case before the Father and that is Jesus my Lord. However for Jesus to plead my case before the Father I have to be able to admit to God that I messed up. In 1st John 1:9 You will find these words" If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Does all mean all? Listen to the words of Hebrews 8:12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. Without Jesus Christ we would not even have the ability to realize that Jesus brings us into a place where the Father says I will remember their sins and inquities no more. WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH JESUS CHRIST? Have a Blessed and Healthy day in Jesus Our Lord and King; From Pastor Ken