

Exodus 15:26 This is Gods covenant of healing: This covenant has four division in it.Its these for divisions I would like to share with you for the next four days. First division " If thou wilt diligently hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God. Lets look at two words form this first divisoin. Dligently and hearken. The definition for diligent means to: be steady in application, persevering, prosecuted with care and constant effort: So lets talk about persevering what does it mean to persevere after something? It means to continue stead fastly going after something you want till you get it. I beleve we must go after the promises in Gods word with perseverence and stay after it until you receive the revalation knowledge of what God is saying in those promises. Once weve received revelation on it we won't turn from it but we will draw closer to it. We will be come engrafted with it and the word of God will become a living part of us. Now lets look at the word hearken. Hearken comes from the hebrew word azan and it has depth of meaning it means to put in the ears of anyone such as in Isa22:14a"And it was revealed in in my ears by the Lord of host. God will speak to us His will if we will hearken to His voice.The acients hold that this not only means to get into ear but also to lay up in the mind as in Exodus 17:14a"And the lord said unto Moses, write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua. I am no bible scholar but could it be God was trying to let us know that with out the understanding of the voice of God that we might not have a full understanding of what He wants for us. Could it be He was showing us how to hear from Him.For something to really become a part of us we must be diligent to grasp it. You and I did not learn our A,B,Cs, without speaking and spending rehearsing them over and over until they became a living part of us,same way with the multipication tables or anything else we wanted to get a hold of. Well we have to be just as dedicated to getting the Word of God in us. This is the first part of the covenant of healing. Think about these Words from the scrpitures"Let him that hath ear let him hear what the spirit of the Lord saith.Open up your heart to the Sppirit and hearken to the voice of God. Have a Blessed and Healthy Day In Jesus Name.From Pastor Ken