
Abide Part Two

This word is so powerful when one takes time to meditate upon it so this morning I want to share some more of it signifigence with you.
1. Another is to be a client: When a man has the Lord as his advocate he can never lose, for all things work together for good. Here are the words from Romans 8:28"And we know that all things wok together for good to them that love God,to them called according ti his purpose. Just think you and I have the Son of God as our advocate who like a lawyer goes before the Judge and jury to plead his clients case, Jesus goes before the Father and pleads our case.In Romans 8:31" The word says" What Shall we then say to thses things? If God before us who can be against us? Listen to the amplified translation of this verse:"What the shall we say to [all] this? If GOD is for us, who [can be] against us? [ Who can be our foe, if GOD is on our side?
2. Yet another signification of this Hebrew word is almost puzzling: It is to fear or be afraid- Psa:33:8"Let all the earth fear the Lord: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him. Think about this: one who really fears the Lord will run to Him like a prodigal son: confessing, trusting ,and abiding. WE all need to realize how much our heavenly Father loves us, he is the Father in the parable of the prodigle son who waits for us to turn to him when we mess up and confess it to him He is their to throw his arms around us and say welcome home my child I love you.
3. In Jer51:38 gur is translated whelp. A whelp is still an abider-Ezek 19:2 lingering near its mother for its nourishment."Man can not live seperated from God. With out God we are nothing: I know what my life was before Jesus got a hold of me and changed me from the inside out and praise the Lord he is still working on me. With out God we truly dont understand the real meaning of love and peace. You and I need to stay close to the Father we need to be committed to Him and his word abiding in the vine getting our nourishment just like the whelp is nourished by its mother we are nourished by the Word of God: Have a Blessed and Healthy Day in Jesus: From Pastor Ken