

Proverbs15:15"All the days of the afflicted are evil:but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast.A continual feast of what? Its the feast of peace that place where we know that no matter whats going on around us we see God in control. I like the amplified translation of this verse listen to the "All the days of the desponding and afflicted are made evil[ by anxiuos thoughts and forebodings[,but he who has a glad heart has a continual feast[regardless of the circumstances]. A person who walks with a merry heart is one that just does not let the things around him steal his joy and becuase of it they are always taken care of by the Lord. Here are some thoughts that I believe makes a merry heart.
1. A peaceful Heart: A heart at peace with God
2. A joyful heart: A heart that rejoices at the presence of God.
3. A positive heart: A heart that follows the truth of God.
4. A sinless heart: A heart that shuns evil
5. A humble heart: A heart that will stay true to the will of God no matter how much pressure is being apllied by the enemy to turn the other way.
6. A repentant heart: A heart that will turn to God and say forgive me Father for I have sinned against you. When we can walk in that kind of joy with God we can truly shout this next pasage of scripture Proverbs17:22"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine;but a broken spirit drieth up the bones. Lets open are hearts up to the joy of the Lord this Easter season and rejoice in the peace that Jesus gained for us thruogh his victory over death on our behalf.Listen to this Proverbs from the amplified translation: Prov.12:25"Anxiety in a mans heart weighs it down, but an encouraging word makes it glad. When things are coming at us thats the time we need to encourage ourselves in God start speaking the word of God to our selves and watch the joy of the Lord begin to a rise in our heart and the presure starts to leave pretty soon we dont even remember what we were all stressed out about.Have a Happy Easter and be Merry in The Lord.
May the Lord Open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing on you that there wont be room enough for you to contain. From Pastor Ken


sfmccorkle said...

I aprecheate the Lords word nice to see Mark 16:15 being fulfilled May the Lord bless you in your work. from I would enjoy to hear what you think about my site